Monday, February 22, 2010


Music is an art form whose medium is sound. Common elements of music are pitch which is include melody and harmony, rhythm refers to the concepts tempo, meter, and articulation, dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture. All teenagers love musics, they like to played at maximum decibels (loud musics). Music is a shared bond between teenagers. It gives them an identity, a feeling of belonging to a group.

Nowadays, they are sort of genre music’s can be listening. They are certain groups that are affiliated with particular genres of music, often seen with styles such as rap, indie band, ballad and hard-rock/heavy metal and sort of.Music also important in teenager’s life because music can make teens release tension, happy and feeling good.

It up to them which music's are good to be listening because music's also can give benefits to us. By the ways, teenagers should not make music influence to lifestyle of them. As the popularity of music among youth grows, the number of teens who are becoming more violent, more sexually active and who are experimenting with drugs is steadily increasing because of influence to the music's.

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